Our Consortium
A unique combination of partners from Belgium, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, and Sweden.
Founded in 2010, OpenNebula Systems is the Spanish company that develops the core of the OpenNebula open source cloud and edge computing platform, supports its large user community, and provides commercial support and services. As a company that started as a University spin-off, the company has a unique profile, combining highly-innovative technical skills with high-impact research/academic capabilities.
“As proud coordinators of the COGNIT Project, we know that Europe’s digital sovereignty can only be truly advanced by combining its impressive R&D&I capabilities with the power of European open source technologies”
Dr Alberto P. Martí
VP of Open Source Innovation, OpenNebula Systems
The Department of Computing Science at Umeå University (Sweden) conducts top-ranking research in fields such as AI/ML and Autonomous Systems, Data Privacy, Computer Security, and Cloud and Edge Computing.
“By fusing AI into the Edge Cloud, COGNIT is developing a European framework that will speed up the deployment of smarter, energy-efficient edge applications. Umeå University is one of the world’s leading research institutions in autonomous Cloud resource management, and we are delighted to be working with such an excellent and talented team”
Dr Paul Townend
Associate Professor, Umeå University
Founded in 1974, Ikerlan is a Knowledge Transfer Technological Center, cooperative member of both the MONDRAGON Corporation—a major Industry group in northern Spain—and the Basque Research and Technology Alliance, with extensive expertise in AI, and Edge Device Systems and Programming.
“Thanks to COGNIT’s new distributed Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) paradigm, IoT and edge devices will be able to offer compute-intensive edge applications to their users through the smart offloading of tasks to the Cloud-Edge Continuum”
Dr Idoia de la Iglesia
IoT & Digital Platforms Team Leader, Ikerlan
CETIC (Center of Excellence in Information and Communication Technologies) is a Belgian Applied Research Center that develops its expertise in key technologies including Big Data, Cloud Computing, the Internet of Things, software quality, and Cybersecurity.
“Great team, cutting edge open source technologies, and new challenges with COGNIT! We are very excited to have CETIC’s cyber-security solutions—including the orchestration engine Vacsine—put into a distributed anomaly detection use case at the edge in collaboration with European technology partners”
Nikolaos Matskanis
Project Manager, CETIC
Sweden’s State-owned research institute, RISE with a long experience and well-established reputation in collaboration programs with industry, academia and the public sector, and in helping the business community to improve their competitiveness.
“RISE looks forward to participating with edge expertise and coordinating edge clusters across Europe as part of the COGNIT Project. This R&D initiative will take Europe closer to the challenging goal of having 10,000 sustainable and secure edge nodes across Europe by 2030”
Dr Hanifeh Khayyeri
Vice-President of Computer Science, Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE)
SUSE, after the acquisition of Rancher in late 2020, offers the industry’s only open Kubernetes management platform. Born in the early 1990s and one of the oldest existing commercial Linux distributions in the market, SUSE has become a champion of open source innovation in Europe.
“Moving computing closer to where data happens is going to change our daily lives. To do that in a sustainable way, it is crucial to invest in technologies that enable intelligent offloading from IoT devices to the cloud-edge continuum. We are happy to join forces in the COGNIT Project building up a European sovereign stack for the edge that leverages SLE Micro, NeuVector, K3s, and other Kubernetes-related technologies led by SUSE”
Dr Thomas Di Giacomo
Chief Technology and Product Officer, SUSE
ACISA is part of the ALDESA Group, a Spanish construction group with more than 50 years of experience, and with a number of urban deployments throughout the country in which they leverage its AI-powered Traffic Light Controller for next-generation V2X services.
“Traffic and mobility sectors have been using proprietary edge solutions during the last three decades. The COGNIT Project will allow ACISA to implement an open cloud-edge continuum framework that can be used by city councils to integrate third-party solutions compatible with our newly developed far-edge platform, M-HUB (where we deploy our Traffic Light Controller), and our cloud Smart City Platform, Saturno”
Antonio Lalaguna
Chief Technology Officer, CTO
Established in 2011, and with single deployments of more than 1,1 million Smart Grid devices in Poland, Phoenix Systems develops the next generation European open source operating system for IoT and provides secure, scalable services to energy distributing companies.
“Thanks to the COGNIT Project, we will turn a standard energy meter into a Smart Energy Assistant that manages households’ energy production and consumption, leveraging our open source operating system, Phoenix-RTOS, ML algorithms for energy prediction and FaaS runtimes for offloading heavy processing tasks to the cloud-edge continuum”
Kaja Swat
Chief Operating Officer, Phoenix Systems
Nature 4.0 is an Italian company dedicated to Digital Empowerment of Nature, developing innovative IoT devices and sensors for Internet of Nature and digital management of Environment, Forestry, Crops, and Wildlife.
“We are really proud to be part of the COGNIT Project. In a world with a growing number of smart and interconnected sensors, the use of common resources must be even smarter. The COGNIT open source framework will strengthen the European cloud and edge ecosystem”
Dr Riccardo Valentini
Founder, Nature 4.0 & 2007 Peace Nobel Prize recipient, IPCC
Atende Industries, based in Poland, creates software for Smart Grid management platforms for distributed energy systems, sensory data analysis programmes for cobots, and data processing platforms for IoT.
“Atende Industries is very proud to be a member of COGNIT Project! Our role is to create unconventional and forward-looking solutions for the European energy sector, combining our besmart.energy platform for smart energy systems with next-generation energy meters using Phoenix-RTOS”
Dominik Bocheński
Director of the Smart Grid Solutions Department, Atende Industries