Blog Article

Post-Event Wrap Up: COGNIT Day 2024

Dr Alberto P. Martí

Project Coordinator @ COGNIT 🇪🇸 VP of Open Source Innovation @ OpenNebula Systems

June 28, 2024

Many thanks to OpenNebula Systems for hosting our COGNIT Day on 27 June as part of the OpenNebulaCon2024! We used this unique opportunity to provide an introduction to the Cognitive Serverless Framework for the Cloud-Edge Continuum that is being developed by the Horizon Europe project COGNIT.

We also organised a first live panel discussion with Atende Industries, Ikerlan, RISE, and Umeå University about how Artificial Intelligence is going to enable highly-distributed edge cloud architectures to be more flexible and adaptable to the changing needs of IoT/edge application developers

This was followed by a tutorial in which participants were explained, step by step, how to download and deploy the latest public version of the COGNIT Platform that has been recently produced by the project. Visit our GitHub repo for more details.

Finally, our project event finished with a second live panel discussion with ACISA, CETIC, Nature 4.0, Phoenix Systems, and SUSE to explore how the emerging cloud-edge continuum is being applied in specific sectors such as Mobility, Smart Cities, Environment, and Energy to address some major technological challenges.

Many thanks to all panelists and attendees, and see you at the next COGNIT event!

🇪🇺 This work has been funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program through Grant Agreement SovereignEdge.Cognit – 101092711.


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